People Build Business

Decisions Build People


Hidden Costs - Lost Opportunities

Poor decision making undermines you and your business every day in ways that rarely get your attention, we often consider these hidden operational costs only after a significant failure, and even then our true losses are rarely visible.

Hidden in the gap between the outcomes we desire, and those we get, are often greater losses; of opportunities denied, profit withheld, and reputational damage both to our businesses and ourselves. We rarely consider these costs because of their nature and scale, hidden causes and large losses, we don’t see them because they’re just too big.


Bold thinking, thoughtful practice, adventurous spirit. Axios3

We are aware of our decisions but rarely our decision making.

Enduring the outcomes of our decisions, as we must, we seldom consider how we construct the judgements and choices that create them. Decisions have an architecture, principles of construction and a code of practice; as decision makers we need skills, tools and expertise, along with a blueprint that’s fit for purpose, and that’s where Axios3 starts.


Axios3 seeks alignment between thought and action; achieving this deceptively simple outcome demands a resolute and steadfast openness in the way we view the world and our place in it. If all thinking is indeed for acting, then we must be bold.



Axios3 co-ordinates a deliberate and thoughtful practice with our actions. A practice that attends to our judgements, decisions and outcomes to discern where value and gains may lie, improving our decision making and outcomes.



Axios3 is not a bloodless theory for the risk averse, we have created an applied programme that rewards a particular type of adventuring, one anchored in a deliberate practice of thoughtful action and observation for those seeking the wealth of opportunity.


Axios3 - Value Creation

A new economy of wisdom.

In creating Axios3 we have built a programme on the foundations of a proven economic model, stimulating an economy of purpose, understanding and earned wisdom.

Axios3 embodies classic economic principles and strategies in a programme that generates tangible benefits and assets from the capital of applied practical wisdom. Building a practice of compounding gains that requires good quality judgement, decision making, and the will to apply them.

Making better decisions is an enlightening and creative practice which places considerable demands and disciplines upon us, however, this effort generates great dividends in a new economy of wisdom that compounds insight, understanding, and action in a virtuous circle.

Is Axios3 for me?

Most of us experience our world as a booming buzzing confusion, one that’s increasingly depriving us of the essential cues that we need to find our way. Axios3 is a practice that grounds our thinking, guides us in grasping and interpreting the features in our lives, and with our feet firmly on solid ground, orients us towards our goals.

Is Axios3 for my business?

Axios3 is a unique guided decision making programme which can improve decision making from the factory floor to the boardroom, create paths to reduce waste, increase profit and reveal new opportunities, all the while generating insight, understanding and benefits for you and your business.

The Axios3 Programme

Axios3 generates action, insight, and understanding.

Almost every judgement, decision and action we undertake is a prediction of a beneficial outcome that we believe has a higher value than the alternatives available to us.

Why do we choose to hold some beliefs over others, cherish one particular value amongst many, or prefer some outcomes while rejecting alternatives? We live in an increasingly complex and uncertain world which appears to obscure our attempts at reasonable prediction, and deny us insight of our actions and outcomes.

Axios3 is a unique self-developing programme of insight, action and understanding; a practice that enables us all to find some solid ground on which to stake a claim on the only outcome that matters – an improved future.


Our Learning In Action workshops will improve your decision making from day one – we guarantee it. Learn key skills, gain insights and develop an understanding of how to make better decisions.


Our Better Decisions programme with Axios3, is an in-depth course concerned with generating, developing and applying better decision making skills, insight and expertise.


True insight and understanding of a business can only be generated from within. Our First Principles Consulting programme improves and builds on foundational decision making, creating a wealth of opportunity.

Architecture of Self Reliance

Re-create your world.Innovate.

If we live in an age of information, as we’re told, then why do so many of us feel so un-informed when we come face to face with significant or difficult decisions? It often starts with our overloading of information, not just the volume, but also the weight we expect it to carry; information isn’t knowledge, wisdom or understanding, though we are often misled into believing that it may be.

Axios3 is an applied decision making programme with a bold ambition; to guide you toward your own understanding by developing an intentional practice of analysis, interpretation and judgement, enabling informed deliberate action in the world.

Direction Finding

Master your navigation skills by developing reliance on your decisions rather than your devices. Like all our decision making skills, finding our way requires practice.

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Expert Intuition

Start asking the right questions and improve your decision making, learn how to create new fields of expertise by finding relevance and new sources of value.

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Generating Insight

From insight to innovation and back again, learn how to generate the insights that inspire and propel us towards discovery and innovation in our lives and businesses.

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Trust Your Process

Develop your own reliable measuring instruments, learn to trust them and the information they generate, recognise and use bias to your advantage.

Accepting Error

Embrace and understand the benefits of error and failure, create your own essential feedback pathways, identify error types, environments and cultures.

Styles of Thinking

Recognise your own and other’s cognitive styles, build competences in all-round thinking skills, and create applied strategies to communicate your ideas.

Analysing Value

Benefit from constructing value based interpretations, build perspective models and enhance your existing skills and tools to generate high value insights.

Time Effective

Time is our most precious and wasted resource, being time effective improves the quality of our judgement, decisions and actions – allowing us to make time.

Economy of Wisdom

Awareness of ourselves and our interaction with the world reveals the patterns in both our successes and failures; how we interpret them is our source of true insight.

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Axios3 - FAQ's

The Axios3 Learning In Action Workshops are the most comprehensive way of quickly getting to grips with the Axios3 programme, and as a bonus of attending we guarantee to improve your decision making.

From day one. Axios3 is a programme of compounding gains, and they start accumulating from the moment you start thinking about your thinking. It’s easier than it sounds, we believe that thinking is for doing, and learning comes from doing.

You’ve already started; Axios3 requires no greater starting point than the skills and tools that you use every day. Our programme has no barriers to entry, no ceiling to the potential gains, and the benefits start building from day one.

Axios3 guides and re-familiarises us with the potential and possibility in our lives, reminding us how to believe in the power of our bold thinking, thoughtful practice and spirit of adventure. Axios3 is a unique programme of compounding gains developed to continuously improve your understanding of what matters to you.

It’s a simple truth that most initiatives in optimising business are fashionable derivations of tired old models which fail to meet their promise. The output of Axios3 is among the most valuable inputs to your business, it generates insight and understanding stimulating your business. Axios3 creates the impetus from within your business not by imposing initiatives.

Axios3 revitalises our skills and tools of sense-making; it renews a practice of innovation in the way we interpret the world, creating an undeniable and simplifying force from the experience of understanding. Axios3 isn’t just a tool for improving decision making, Axios3 is decision making.

Axios3 can be thought of as compass for your intellect, it creates a way of looking at the world that orients your attention to what matters to you while developing the skills and tools required to act and influence the outcomes in your life. Every decision you make influences the outcomes in your life, improving your decision making offers gains in both your business and personal life.

Axios3 is a programme of action. It generates profit through a virtuous circle of applied compounding gains, leveraging understanding and judgement of individuals and teams across disciplines. Axios3 creates a new economy of wisdom in your business in part by revitalising and developing a shared spirit of adventure that finds purpose in doing the best work that we can.

Perhaps we should ask instead; how much does every decision made every day cost you and your business? What would be the value to you of lifting them all, good, bad and indifferent in one direction – better? Other than our Learning In Action workshops, Axios3 pricing is dependent on our clients’ requirements.